• Pangolin Photo Safaris – Planet Baobab

Planet Baobab in Botswana

Quirky, fun and laid back….that’s Planet Baobab. Built in a “forest” of baobab trees this lodge is a favourite with overlanders and adventure seekers you can miss its entrance as its right opposite a giant statue of an aardvark! The rooms are spread out over the property and connected by a network of gravel paths.

The rooms themselves resemble traditional African homes known as Rondavels or thatch huts with all the modern amenities you will need like an ensuite toilet, electricity, hot water and a fan. Basic but comfortable is the best way to describe it. The bar and restaurant are the hub for everyone to gather and the atmosphere is always fun and convivial with travellers converging from around the world and swapping stories.

Careful when plopping down onto what looks like a big comfy sofa as most of the furniture is made from longer-lasting concrete decorated to look far more plush! The location of PB, as its also known, is the ideal start point for adventures in the world famous Magadikadi Salt Pans which are literally out of this world! Until you have stared out onto the massive expanse with the horizon appearing to curve in the distance you haven’t lived (especially at night). Its humbling! Planet Baobab organises quad biking and 4×4 trips to the Pans as well as a “mob” of habituated meerkats and some of the planet’s best stargazing with minimal light pollution in the region. We love PB for its simplicity and atmosphere.

The food is warm and substantial and the beer is cold … what more do you need?

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