• Pangolin Photo Safaris – Saruni Samburu

Saruni Samburu Lodge | Pangolin Photo Safaris Partner

The creative driving force behind Saruni Samburu is Italian ex-journalist Riccardo Orizio – a true gentleman of the safari industry and a great person to sit around a fire with if you happen to meet up with him. Only someone as fearless as Riccardo could have looked at a rocky outcrop in a lesser known reserve in the centre of Kenya and envisaged such a spectacular lodge – and boy did he succeed!

Samburu is one of the most understated and glorious reserves in East Africa with fascinating and unusual species as well as the beautiful and proud Samburu people who call it their home. Saruni Samburu could not be more perfect for this wild wild setting. The camp nestles among the boulders on top of the hill overlooking the plains with the waterhole and photographic hide below.

Each of the huge rooms has a fantastic view and seems to float above the vista. Being Italian owned the food at Saruni Samburu is amazing with lots of Mediterranean flavours blended with the spices of East Africa. The communal areas are very special (with the most memorable arrival) and an ideal place to relax and go through your images or just enjoy the view with a glass of something cold. The Samburu guides are fantastic, and you will thoroughly enjoy trying to get the first glimpses of the Samburu Special 5!

When not on a drive there is a beautiful pool and a world-class spa.

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